August 1st: Crib night in memory of Little Jim & Jim Rhynold. 7:30pm, $5 per person
August 2nd: Smokey Bingo 7:30pm
August 3rd: Night of Darts 7:30pm, $5 per person
August 4th: Family Movie Night 7pm, Free
August 5th: Men's Baseball Tournament begins 6am
August 5th: Trivia and Pub night $20 per team, 8pm
August 6th: Baseball starts again at 6am, Hootenany with Patrick MacGillvary 2-5pm, $6 entry fee,
August 6th: Adult Dance 9pm-1am, $10 per person (must be 19 or older)
August 7th: Baseball continues at 8:30am