
Before you build or renovate, review the following:  pdf Application for Building Permit's (74 KB)   and pdf Before You Build Brochure 2024 (8.14 MB) .

A building/development permit is required for all types of construction including:

  • New buildings and structures
  • Additions to existing structures
  • Non-structural repairs exceeding $2500
  • Fences more than six feet high
  • Decks and verandas
  • Relocation of the existing building
  • Demolition of the existing structure

Exemption: New buildings containing less than 9.2 square meters of floor space do not require a building permit but must conform to the National Building Code and Municipal By-laws. However, a Development Permit will be required to ensure compliance with the Municipal Land Use By-law.

New building lots must be approved by the Nova Scotia Department of Environment for on-site sewer disposal and the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation for Work Within Highway Right-of-Way Permit unless services are already available on the lot.

You may apply for a variance using the  pdf Application for Variance for Land Use (100 KB) .

All industrial, commercial, and public building plans require approval by the Fire Marshall's Office prior to the issuance of a building permit.

For further information contact:

Glenn Stirling
Building Inspector
(902)533-3705 ext 235
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Civic Addressing

To request a new civic number contact Building Inspector Glen Stirling at 902-533-3705 ext 235 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

You may verify your civic address by calling the Municipal Office (902) 522-2049.

For information on civic addressing in Nova Scotia visit:


Be sure to submit a pdf Demo Permit Application (84 KB)  if you are removing a dwelling from your property. This information is sent to the Assessment office to ensure any required adjustments to your property assessment are made.

Planning & Development

The Planning Department is responsible for all aspects of municipal land use planning and subdivision approvals for the Municipality, including amendments of existing planning documents when required. This Department is also responsible for the issuance of development permits to ensure all new development meets the requirements of the applicable Land Use Bylaw for that particular area.

For further information contact:

Debbie Torrey
Development Officer
(902) 533-3705 ext. 222
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.