The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s has drafted a new By-Law called the Alternative Voting By-Law. This By-Law is being considered by Council to complete the necessary requirements if Council were to choose to implement alternative methods of voting for future elections.

This By-Law is a model By-Law from the Association of Municipal Administrators and was presented to Council on June 3rd, 2020 at the Committee of the Whole meeting. At this time, a resolution was made to approve the By-Law and first reading at the meeting of Council, June 8th, 2020.

The second reading and motion to approve the By-Law is set for the next meeting of Council on July 13th, 2020. Prior to this, notice of the By-Law will be advertised it the Guysborough Journal as well as the Municipal Newsletter for public consideration. A copy of the By-Law is also available online here:  pdf Alternative Voting By Law- First Reading (323 KB)  and under our Municipal Documents section on our website.