Archived News
September Newsletter Submissions Deadline
Reminder that the deadline for the September issue of the Municipal Newsletter is Wednesday, August 24th at 4:00p.m. Send submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
BAP Registration Reminder
Registration is open for the Before and After Program (BAP)! Did you know this program is eligible for Nova Scotia's Child Care Subsidy Program. BAP will cost $3.75 for the morning period and $7.50 for the after school period. Students in grades Pre-Primary to 6 are eligible to attend. BAP will focus on outdoor and nature play, but indoor programming will take place in the Kids First room. Registration is necessary for planning this program, so don't delay! Follow the link to fill out a registration form for your child today. Click here to find the online form.
Seeds of Literacy Notice
Bike Friendly Business Program
Cyclists in St. Mary’s, local or tourist, can stop by the Sanctuary Shore General Store co-located with The Soap Company of Nova Scotia at 8000 Hwy 7 Sherbrooke, for free water and a snack. A small cycling repair tool-kit is onsite and available for use. We kindly ask that cyclists provide their name and feedback to helps us improve benefits for cyclists in our area.”