Archived News
New Neighbourhood Concept - What are your thoughts?
Reminder: Have your say about Housing Options in St. Mary's, provide feedback on the new neighbourhood concept. June 6th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. to 8:00 pm. In the SHOPS room at St. Mary's Education Centre/ Academy.
Housing - New Neighbourhood Housing Concept: What are your thoughts?
The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s Council has pledged its commitment towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable community by addressing the housing crisis that the Municipality has been facing. With rising housing prices and a shortage of affordable housing options, the council has recognized the urgent need to take action to ensure that everyone has access to safe, secure, and affordable housing.
In a statement released November 15, 2023, Warden Wier said, "Housing is a fundamental human right, and it is our responsibility as a Municipality to ensure that every possible policy and financial commitment is in place to accelerate residents’ access to a decent and affordable place to live. Council’s commitment to housing is not just about providing a roof over people's heads, but also about creating a more equitable and sustainable community for all."
To see more details click the link below:
Active St. Mary's Plan Draft
The draft version of the updated Active St Mary’s Plan is now available for viewing. pdf Draft Plan Active St Mary's (9.71 MB)
The Active St. Mary’s Plan was developed with community research from last fall, The goal of this project is to enhance the movement of both residents and visitors throughout the area, fostering a healthier and more sustainable community, where transportation is not only safe and practical but also an enjoyable experience for all users.
Fire Prevention Tips
The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s wishes to share some tips to keep all residents safe during this wildfire season.
In Nova Scotia, almost all wildfires are human-caused, so prevention is our first line of defence.
To learn more please click the link below:
General Fire Information
(272 KB)
To check the Burn Safe website click the link below: