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If Sherbrooke Water Utility Customers are filling a pool, please notify Public Works Staff at 902-522-2156.

To help avoid any new wildfires, the Province is increasing the fine for breaking the provincewide burn ban to $25,000.

Illegal burning has to stop, and all Nova Scotians need to do their part – follow the burn ban, stay out of the woods and help keep your communities safe.
The fine for entering the woods is $237.50. Police, conservation or other law enforcement officers will be handing out tickets. The burn ban is in place until June 25 or until conditions allow it to be lifted.

While most provincial and municipal parks remain open, wooded areas are off limits, so provincial parks that are primarily trails are closed. You can see a list of those parks here: .

Stonewall Park & the Port Bickerton Lighthouse Trails are closed until June 25th or until conditions allow them to re-open.

Local businesses, organizations and families are invited to register a float in our 2023 Canada Day Parade! The more entries, the more fun! The parade will take place on July 1st, 2023 starting a the St. Mary's Recplex at 4:00pm. Floats should arrive at 3:30pm. This year's theme set by the Government of Canada is "Weaving together the fabric of a nation," chosen to honour Canada's diversity and set an intention for the day to gather, celebrate, learn, and share. There is no cost to participate and everyone is welcome! Call 902-522-2598 to register your float today!

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