Archived News
COTW Agenda- June 2, 2021
Please see the below agenda items for Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 4:00pm. Please note meetings are being held virtually due to COVID restrictions. All minutes and audio recordings can be found on the municipal website.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Committee Meeting held Wednesday, May 19, 2021
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Presentations
a. Climate Change Plan- Kaytland Smith, Climate Change Action Plan Coordinator
8. Correspondence
a. Sherbrooke Village Provincial Operating Grant- Minister of Communities, Culture & Heritage.
9. Other Matters of Business
a. Inter-Municipal Information Technology Service Association-Staff Report
b. 2021/2022 Graduates
c. Gravel Road Program
d. Port Bickerton Lighthouse Road Tender
10. Adjournment