
The Municipality received a "From the Cruiser" Report from the Guysborough County RCMP. You may be wondering what this newsletter is. “From the Cruiser” is a report to keep the residents of Guysborough County District apprised of the work their local RCMP are doing to keep their communities safe; including road safety initiatives, crime prevention, and arrests or charges on investigations affecting the safety of the community. If you are interested in what the RCMP have been up to for the month of July please click the link below:
pdf From the Cruiser Report - July 2024 (2.13 MB)
This will be the first of many Guysborough District editions.
“From the Cruiser” is the RCMP's accountability to the communities that they are out keeping Guysborough County safe and working with residents to support safe practices when local events are happening. The area the RCMP, police in Guysborough County is large. Although you may feel that you don’t see them enough, it’s important that you know that they are working hard throughout the Districts as you will see each month in the newsletter.
In the editions, The RCMP may seek the public’s assistance in solving crime. Residents are the eyes and ears of the community and an important part of helping us do our job. If you have a problem in your community, call the RCMP. They need to know there is an issue so they can help. They can be reached at the following non-emergency lines:
Sherbrooke detachment: 902-522-2200
Guysborough detachment: 902-533-3801
Canso detachment: 902-366-2440
In an emergency, Call 9-1-1.