Archived News
Grant Opportunities under the Heritage Developent Fund
There are incentives offered by the Province of Nova Scotia to eligible owners of properties registered under the Heritage Property Act. To better serve our heritage stakeholders, program guidelines and application forms for the 2020-21 grant opportunities under the Heritage Development Fund (Built Heritage) are now available here:
There are Advice and Conservation Work Grants available as well as Tax Rebates for owners of a registered municipal heritage property (including those located within an approved municipal heritage conservation district)
Revised Program Guidelines:
As outlined in the program guidelines, while formal approval cannot be provided until April 1, new application deadlines of February 15 and April 15 have been introduced for 2020-21. After April 15, submitted applications will be assessed based on date of receipt and the program’s fiscal ability. In all cases, the deadline to submit a final report will be November 15, 2020. Should you have any questions on these grants or would like to obtain an application form and guideline document, please contact Kevin Barrett with the HEritage Property Program at 902-424-5647.