Archived News
Notice to the Public
The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s is committed to protecting the health and safety of our residents, councillors, staff and customers by reducing the risk of coming in contact with the Covid-19 virus. For that reason the following actions have been taken to date:
- Municipal Office closed to the public as of noon March 18th until further notice.
- Staff will continue to work, utilizing working from home when practical to do so.
- All recreation programs cancelled until further notice.
- Fitness Center closed as is required by the closure of the community use of schools directive from SRCE.
- Before and After School Program will be closed until classes resume at SMECA.
- The RecPlex is closed for the season.
- The municipality will promote the use of on-line transactions where ever possible.
- Council and Committee meetings will be via teleconference with the recorded proceedings posted on the municipal website along with printed minutes as soon as practical following the meetings(As per direction from DMAH and in consultation from MunicipalSolicitor).
- Additional care will be taken in cleaning the Municipal Administration Building.
- Water treatment and sewage treatment plants will continue to operate without interruption.
- The Transfer Station will remain open as per the regular scheduled times.
- Curb side collection of solid waste and recyclables will continue as per the regular scheduled times.
- The Sherbrooke Library will be closed for as per decision of Eastern Counties Regional Libraries.
The Municipality will continue to provide updates as new information develops and encourages residents to follow the Health Canada and Nova Scotia Health Authority guidelines in order to stay safe. If you have any questions we ask that you please phone the office at 902-522-2049.
For information on strategies for residents, staff and facilities, please view the Municipality's Business Continuity Plan last updated March 20th, 2020: pdf Business Continuity Plan COVID 19 Update March 20 2020 (472 KB)
Thank you for your cooperation.