Thank you to everyone who attended the Municipality's Volunteer Appreciation Event at the Sherbrooke Village Exhibit Centre last night. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate all of the amazing accomplishments of the many volunteers in St. Mary's, including our Volunteer of the Year, Ruth Legge.

Ruth has been a volunteer with the St. Mary’s Genealogy Research Centre since 2012. The Society collects, processes and makes available genealogical and historical materials that have been preserved for the municipality and communities beyond. It is a vigorous and healthy organization that has attracted many members to carry out successful projects. Ruth commits several days a week to volunteer at the centre to obtain grants, supervise employees, and train volunteers. The valuable historical records of this county could be lost or inaccessible without the centre, and it would not exist without Ruth and her tremendous dedication. Congratulations Ruth!

Thank you to all Volunteers in the Municipality of the District of St. Mary's for the thousands of hours that are donated towards many different services, projects and activities.

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