The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s recognizes September 30th as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The Municipal office will be closed on Thursday and staff and council members will be using the day to reflect and learn about our shared history with Indigenous Peoples of Canada. This includes the legacy of the Canada Residential School program, which saw over 150,000 Indigenous children forcibly removed from their homes with the intention of disconnecting them from their culture. Many children did not return home.

The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s has begun its own journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. All meetings of council and staff now begin with a land acknowledgement, recognizing these lands as Mi’kma’ki. Lands were never ceded (land never signed away or included in treaties; never officially “given away” to another power) during the negotiations and signing of treaties. The Municipality has also developed a learning document that it would like to share with the public as a starting point for each individual’s personal journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. Find an electronic copy of the document by clicking pdf here (798 KB) . Additional learning resources are available at the Municipal Office for members of the public to borrow. We welcome you to take this opportunity to use these resources freely, and encourage you to tell others about them.

For the month of October, the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s will be sharing additional resources with the public. October is Mi’kmaq History Month. Stay tuned as we respectfully begin this journey, together.