Archived News
Restricted Activities
The Provincial Government has restricted travel and activities in the woods.
Hiking, camping, fishing and the use of vehicles in the woods are not permitted. People can still access beaches and provincial parks, but trail systems are off-limits. Camping is allowed only in campgrounds.
The restrictions apply to Crown and private land. Private landowners are free to use their own properties but cannot host others to use wooded areas of their properties.
Forestry, mining and any commercial activity on Crown land, are also restricted. People who conduct commercial activity on Crown land can apply for a permit at their local Department of Natural Resources and Renewables office.
Forestry companies working on Crown land can only work between 8 p.m. and 10 a.m. All companies and private landowners are encouraged to take this approach.
The restrictions are in place until June 25 or until conditions allow them to be lifted.
Cape Chignecto, McNabs Island and Cape Split provincial parks are closed because they are backcountry camping/hiking parks. Wildfires in province are covering more than 12,360 hectares
There have been 195 wildfires to date this year; they have burned about 12,817 hectares. In 2022, there were 152 wildfires that burned about 3,390 hectares.