Effective Wednesday, April 28, Eastern Counties Regional Library branches are closed to the public until further notice.

In accordance with public health directives ECRL libraries are still able to offer the public Curbside Pickup service. Staff will be available during their regularly scheduled hours and available to assist you by phone. Our stringent COVID-19 safety measures remain in place and help to ensure that our library collections are safe for public use. 

 For assistance, please call our Headquarters location toll-free at 1-855-787-7323.

Sherbrooke Library: Curbside pickup only

Our Borrow by Mail and digital library services are also available.  

The staff at ECRL are glad if the Library can help in some small way to support you and your family. Please encourage anyone in need to sign up for a library card or try our Borrow by Mail and digital services.  

Please check their website www.ecrl.ca  or follow them on social media for more information and service updates: facebook.com/ECRLibrary and twitter.com/ecrlibrary