The Community Development and Recreation Department is developing a Volunteer Inventory or list of active volunteers within St. Mary's. This list will help to determine the St. Mary's Volunteer of the Year. All names supplied by organizations will be entered and one chosen at random to be the Volunteer of the Year. The Volunteer of the Year will be invited to attend a Provincial Awards Ceremony in September.
The list will also help to kick-off a volunteer support project. The Municipality, through the Community Development and Recreation Department is looking to offer support to non-profits to recruit, retain and train volunteers. Data collected in the volunteer inventory process will help with the first steps of this project.
Contact Kerri Jack at 902-522-2598 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to share your volunteer inventory. No contact numbers are required and no one on the list will be directly contacted by the Municipality.
Happy National Volunteer Week St. Mary's! Visit to learn more about Volunteer Week and this year's theme, "Volunteering Weaves us Together".