The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s is accepting tenders for the re-roofing of the Water Treatment Facility at 8232 Highway #7, Sherbrooke. The Municipality will accept tenders on two different methods of roofing, shingle roofing and metal roofing. Contractors can bid on one or both methods.

Sealed bids can be submitted to the Municipal Office at 8296 Highway #7 , by mail to PO Box 296, Sherbrooke, B0J 3C0 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Please mark on the envelope/email:  “Water Treatment Facility Roofing”. Tender closing date is 4:00pm, Thursday, May 22nd , 2020.
The Municipality reserves the right to accept or reject any tender based on the best interest of the Municipality.

For a full tender package, including the tender bid form, please contact the Municipality or see the electronic copy here:  pdf Tender for Water Treatment Plant Roof 2020 (490 KB)