Accessibility Tools

The Municipality is pleased to share that its website has a new feature of many different accessibility tools. It can be found on the bottom left-hand side of the website. You click the button and the various accessibility tools appear. This feature allows users to modify the website to suit their individual needs. This tool includes options like invert colors, monochrome, dark contrast, light contrast, low saturation, high saturation, highlight links, highlight headings, a screen reader, read mode, content scaling, font size, line height, and letter spacing.

MEETING: Regular Council Meeting
DATE: Monday, March 13th, 2023
TIME: 4:00 pm
PLACE: Council Chambers, 8296 Highway 7, Sherbrooke

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from:
-Council Meeting held February 16th, 2023
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Recommendations from Internal Committees of Council
a. Committee of the Whole- February 15th, March 1st & March 8th
8. Outside Committee Reports
a. Eastern Counties Regional Library Board – Councillor Mailman
b. Eastern Regions Solid Waste Management Committee – Councillor Malloy
c. Guysborough County Community Tourism Association – Councillor Zinck
9. CAO Report
10 minute question and answer period pertaining to agenda items

Children of all ages are invited to attend the Municipality of the District of St. Mary's Seeds of Literacy, March Break events! School aged children can be dropped off, children younger than school aged must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. These are free programs, with lunch provided. Children must bring indoor and outdoor footwear, snacks (if wanted), a water bottle and appropriate clothing for both indoor and outdoor play.
Schedule of events:
Saturday, March 11th 1-3pm at Greenfield
Wednesday, March 15th 11-3pm at Goshen
Friday, March 17th 11:30-3pm at Indian Harbour Lake / Jordanville
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