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The Grants to Organizations Application Form is now available. You can get a copy by Clicking: Grant to Organization Application Form or at the Municipal Office. Applications are due by Wednesday, February 15th, 2025.

🎅📫Santa and his elves have asked the Municipality to help collecting letters to Santa and distributing letters from Santa.
Santa’s elves will pick up the letters from the Municipal Office, Santa will write replies to each letter and the elves will return the letters back to the Municipal Office.
Letters must be received at the Municipal Office by Friday, December 13 at 4pm.
Santa will return all his letters to be distributed by Wednesday, December 18.

Public Notice:

The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s would like to inform residents that the Canada Post service disruption may delay the delivery of mail, including newsletters, water utility bills, property tax bills, and cheque payments. Please note that any delay caused by a mail disruption will not affect the payment due date on your account. The Municipality encourages you to contact the Municipal Office by phone 902-522-2049 to determine any outstanding balances before payment is made. To view the December Municipal Newsletter visit: 

Payments can be made in-person at the Municipal Office, 8296 Hwy 7, Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia.

Pay at the Bank/Telephone or Online with the following Financial Institutions:
Use your Eight (8) digit Municipal Account Number/Roll Number and the following payee names:
-Royal Bank of Canada: Municipality of St. Mary’s – Taxes
-Credit Union: St. Mary’s, Municipality – Property Tax
-Scotia Bank: Mun District St Mary’s Taxes
-TD Canada Trust: St. Mary’s (Nova Scotia) Taxes
-Bank of Montreal (BMO): M ST. MARY’S – TA
-CIBC: St. Mary's (Nova Scota) Tax (please note the i of Scotia is left out on purpose)

Go to the Paymentus Corporation secure web page to pay online with a credit card. Payment can also be made over the phone by calling 1-855-990-9627.
You will need the account number of your tax or utility bill (located on your invoice), the balance owed on your bill, and your credit card. You will be asked to confirm your agreement to pay a convenience fee of 2.5%. You will be provided with a confirmation number if the transaction is successful.


MEETING:               St Mary’s Municipal Council

Committee of the Whole

DATE:                       Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

TIME:                       6:00 pm

PLACE:                     St. Mary’s Municipality

Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  1. Additions to the Agenda
  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes: COTW held November 20th, 2024
  1. Business Arising from Minutes
  2. Correspondence: N/A
  1. Presentation: Sherbrooke Water Utility – Water Rate Study – G.A Isenor Consulting Ltd. and Blaine S. Rooney Consulting Ltd.
  1. Other Matters of Business
    a. Staff Report - Growth and Renewal for Infrastructure Development (GRID) Program – Grant Funding Application
    b. Staff Report – Sewer Inflow and Infiltration Phase 1 & 2 Tender Award
    c. Recplex Scheduling Over Winter Break
    d. Staff Report - Engineer: Standing Offer
    e. COTW: Schedule Planning for January 1st, 2025, New Date Needed
  1. In-Camera: Personnel & Contract Negotiations


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