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Please be advised that due to unforeseen circumstances there will be no bottle depot collection at the St. Mary’s Recplex this Saturday, July 30th, 2022. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Please be advised that today, Friday, July 22, 2022, the Sherbrooke Water Utility is conducting unscheduled maintenance to the system. You may experience discolored water today.
The Water Utility apologizes for any inconvenience this will cause.

Please be advised that today, Friday, July 22, 2022, the Sherbrooke Sewer Utility is experiencing issues due to inappropriate disposal of materials in the sewer system.
The Sewer Utility would like to remind customers not to dispose of household waste into the sanitary sewer.
The Sewer Utility apologizes for any inconvenience this will cause.

August 1st: Crib night in memory of Little Jim & Jim Rhynold. 7:30pm, $5 per person
August 2nd: Smokey Bingo 7:30pm
August 3rd: Night of Darts 7:30pm, $5 per person
August 4th: Family Movie Night 7pm, Free
August 5th: Men's Baseball Tournament begins 6am
August 5th: Trivia and Pub night $20 per team, 8pm
August 6th: Baseball starts again at 6am, Hootenany with Patrick MacGillvary 2-5pm, $6 entry fee,
August 6th: Adult Dance 9pm-1am, $10 per person (must be 19 or older)
August 7th: Baseball continues at 8:30am

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