Archived News
Municipal Planning Strategy and Land-Use By-Law
At the Committee of the Whole Meeting on July 4th, 2022, drafts of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law were presented to Council and given First Reading or approval to proceed to the Public Hearing where residents could provide feedback or consideration for changes to Council. The public hearing was held on July 20th at 6pm and submissions from the hearing were considered by Council at the Special Council Meeting on July 20th at 7pm.
After considering the submissions from the Public Hearing in depth, Council decided to implement substantive revisions to the drafts before approving. Revisions will be made, and new drafts will be presented again in the fall for consideration of a First Reading and eventually another Public Hearing. Please visit the municipal website for up-to-date information
Heat Warning Issued
There has been a heat warning issued for today, July 21st, by Environment Canada:
In order to protect yourself from the health effects of extreme heat, the Government of Canada recommends to:
- Prepare for the heat
- Pay close attention to how you, and those around you, feel
- Stay hydrated
- Stay cool
- Avoid exposure to extreme heat when outdoors
For more details on these topics, please visit
St. Mary's Summer Walking Challenge
Thank you to all that have registered and participated so far in our St. Mary's Summer Walking Challenge. Out of all participants that tracked and submitted week 1 of the challenge, we used a random name generator to pick a weekly winner.
Week 1 Winner- Kaytland Smith
Congratulations Kaytland - Please pick up your prize at the Municipal Office from 8:30-4 Monday- Friday.
To register, or for more information please contact Maggie MacLellan at 902-522-2598 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!! Lots of prizes to be won! Our Walking Challenge began on July 9th and will run until August 26th! It's never too late to sign up and start tracking.
Municipal Boundary Review
The Municipality of the District of St. Mary's is undergoing a Municipal Boundary Review.
You can find information about the Municipal Boundary review at
A survey on Council Size is now available until August 26, you can complete the survey at