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Today is the last day that the Municipality of the District of St. Mary's will be hosting ZZAP Architecture + Planning to present their final New Neighborhood Concept for the Property located behind the St. Mary's Education Centre/ Academy, ajacent to Highway #7 and Old Road Hill. Together with their expertise and the feedback and suggestions collected from residents in previous engagement sessions they have provided us with a concept plan for the property that integrates accessibility, equity, diversion, inclusion, healthy lifestyle, sustainability, and forward thinking. If you are intesrested in attending, all is welcome!

Location: St. Mary's Municipal Office, Council Chambers 8296 Hwy 7, Sherbrooke NS
Date/Time: October 10th, 2024 at 6:00 pm

The 2024 Municipal Election and Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial Election start today at 12:00 noon. 

If you have received your Voter Instruction Letter you may vote by using your PIN, Phone or by going to the website link on your Voter Instruction Letter.


The 2024 Municipal Election starts tomorrow, October 9th, 2024, at 12:00 noon.
The Municipal Election is set to reshape local governance as candidates compete for critical roles, council members, and school board officials. These elections will directly impact essential services and community initiatives, including public safety policies, zoning regulations, and education funding. Voters will have the chance to weigh in on pressing issues like affordable housing, infrastructure development, and environmental sustainability, making their voices heard in shaping the future of their Municipality. As communities prepare to vote, the outcomes will determine not only local leadership but also the strategic direction of services and community programs for years to come.
To see more information on Voting in the Municipality of the District of St. Mary's visit:

Some tips to help vote in the 2024 Municipal Elections are:
1. Did you receive you Voter Instruction Letter?
2. If you did not receive your Voter Instruction Letter, please contact us for assistance at 1-888-366-0868 or 902-522-2049
3. Link to the District Maps: 2024 Municipal District Maps

The Municipality transforms its housing commitment into concrete action with the unveiling of a groundbreaking project that reimagines a 50-acre parcel of Municipally owned land as a complete, intergenerational community in the Village of Sherbrooke. Developed through extensive engagement with community members, this plan sets the vision for a new community in the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s created with and for residents.

To see details and more information on the New Neighborhood Housing Concept Press Release, Click the Link below.
document 2024 10 08 Press Release Neighbourhood Concept (1013 KB)

Please click the Link or visit: St. Mary's Old Road Hill Presentation ( to see the full concept plan unveiling presentation with visuals.



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