Archived News
Destination Eastern and Northumberland Shores Winter Bingo
Every time you visit a location on the bingo card, post a picture on DEANS Facebook Page or on Instagram at visiteasternshorens.
The deadline is March 15, 2021 for a chance to win a two-night staycation on theEastern Shore!
More information and the BINGO card is available on DEANS website at:
COVID-19 Notice
Due to the changing state of COVID-19 in our province, the Municipality of the District of St. Mary's is asking individuals to be thoughtful of your own safety and of others during this time.
The Central Region of the province has seen higher infection rates in the past week than they have to date. It is important that we act to limit the spread of infection throughout our province. The province and Chief Medical Officer, Robert Strang, have suggested that individuals limit their travel in and out of the central region for essential purposes only. We are requesting that all individuals who have been to the central region in the past 14 days do not attend our events or programs.
Thank you for your kindness and understanding during these difficult times.
COVID-19: NS Restriction Alerts by County
The NS Governemnt recently released restriction alerts by county which include additional restrictions and protective measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Check by county to find out if additional restrictions and protective measures are in place. For each county, you also need to follow province-wide restrictions and protective measures.
Sherbrooke Library Hours
Effective tomorrow, November 25, the new hours of operation at the Sherbrooke Library are as follows:
Wednesday’s: 9:15am-1:00pm, 1:30pm-4:00pm
Thursday’s: 9:15am-1:00pm, 1:30pm-4:00pm
Friday’s: 9:15am-1:00pm, 1:30pm-4:00pm
Saturday’s: 9:15am-1:00pm, 1:30pm-4:00pm