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Due to field conditions and the potential for rain, all activities scheduled to take place at the @Sherbrooke Village Performance Centre Field will now take place at the St. Mary's Recplex. This includes: family fun & games (inflatables, kids corner, face painting and vendors), Live Music and a glow-in-the-dark energizer activity. Fireworks will be dependent on weather and a decision will be made in the afternoon of July 1st. All other events are scheduled to take place as planned and all times will remain the same. 
Thank you for your understanding and the Municipality hopes you will join in on the Canada Day fun!

For more information visit

The Municipality would like to send congratulations to the SMECA Class of 2023! We wish you all success in the future!
And a happy summer to everyone else returning to school in September!

MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Committee of the Whole
DATE: Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
TIME: 4:00 pm
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipal Council
Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes- Committee of the Whole, June 21st, 2023
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Correspondence
a. Federal Fuel Charge – Irving Oil
8. Other Matters of Business
a. ACCESS-Ability Funding Approval
b. Source Water Protection Advisory Committee – Public Appointments
c. Council Meeting Dates
d. Fire Services Committee – Councillor Appointments
e. In-Camera Session: Contract Negotiations & Land Matters

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