Accessibility Tools

The Municipality needs your input! Please complete the Municipal Accessibility survey at or hard copies are available at the Municipal Office in Sherbrooke. If you'd like support completing the survey please reach out to Mallory Fraser at 902-522-2049.

MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Committee of the Whole
DATE: Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
TIME: 4:00pm
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipality
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Committee of the Whole Meeting held October 19th, 2022
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Other Matters of Business
a. Municipal Fitness Center
b. 311 Rural Exchange Inclusion
c. Sherbrooke Water Utility – SCADA System
d. Protected Wilderness Areas- Update

Volunteers throughout St. Mary's are invited to our Volunteer Appreciation Reception, rescheduled for November 9th, 2022 at the Exhibit Centre in Sherbrooke Village. There will be music, refreshments and a celebration of the Volunteer of the Year, Ruth Legge. We hope to see you there.

Potential options for new municipal electoral boundaries are now available and we are looking for your feedback. You can participate in a number of ways:
1. Use our interactive online map to review the options and leave comments. This will be open until November 24, 2022. Access the map, here.
2. Download the print versions of the maps or pick up copies from the Municipal Office, comment on the maps, and return them to the Municipality by November 24, 2022.
3. Attend a public meeting:
- November 15 at 7pm - Liscombe Legion - 31 MacKinley Point Rd, Spanish Ship Bay
- November 16 at 7pm - Indian Harbour Lake/ Jordanville Community Centre - 29 H MacDonald Loop, Indian Harbour Lake
- November 17 at 7pm - Greenfield Oldsters Club - 7575 Highway 348, Melrose

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