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St. Mary’s Annual Small Business Award Nominations 2022
Cast your vote HERE!
St. Mary's Annual Small Business Awards
Comment "Voted" in the Facebook post and tag two people for your chance to win a $50 Gift Certificate. Alternatively, you can cast your vote by phoning 902-522-2607 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The four categories for the annual awards are:
Best New Business (established in the last 5 years and show significant promise through their growth and successful business strategy.)
Best Customer Service (dedicated to continuously improving customer satisfaction, exceeding expectations, and reacting appropriately to ensure customer satisfaction. They also demonstrate
Best Community Impact (making a difference to their community, has taken positive action to invest in their community and sees social responsibility as integral to the business' success.)
Best Long-Standing Business (operating for over 10 consecutive years exemplifying growth and sustainability.)

Your email is used solely for the purpose of confirming your vote and not retained after the contest closes.


Phase one of the Municipal Boundary Review is now complete. 

Please see the St Mary's Municipal Boundary Council Size and Background Report for details.

At a Council Meeting on October 11th, 2022, Council approved the motions for the Municipaltiy to remain under the Warden System and to approve the recommendation from Upland Planning & Design Studio to reduce the council size and polling districts to five.

The next phase of the Municipal Boundary Review will focus on determining the boundaries for polling districts. 

ESC Environmental will attempt to pick up garbage today, October 13, 2022 in the Fisherman's Harbour area.

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