Archived News
Community Posting: Art Festival Information Session
Community Posting: Friends of the Light Art Festival Information Session. Thursday, July 13th. 2023, 7-9pm at the Sherbrooke Culture Club. Artists and creative folk are invited to learn more about the first ever Friends of the Light Arts Festival coming up on August 19th, 2023 at the Port Bickerton Lighthouse.
House League Hockey Planning Meeting
There will be a planning meeting of the House League Hockey Program held on Tuesday, July 11th, starting at 6pm at the Municipal Office Community Room (and available virtually). The group is looking for new members to be both coaches and committee members. To learn more about the program and opportunity to participate, please consider attending this meeting. For more information, contact Kerri at 902-522-2598 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Michael Porter selected as St. Mary's Volunteer of the Year
Congratulations to Michael Porter who has been selected as the Municipality of the District of St. Mary's Volunteer of the Year! Michael volunteers through his musical talent. For many years, he has been setting up equipment and playing live music with other local artists at the Sherbrooke Saturday Market, raising thousands of dollars for the St. Mary's Foodbank. Michael also plays at local benefit concerts and other events. Michael will be honoured by the Province at a Luncheon event in Halifax in September and locally at a Volunteer Appreciation Event in the fall. Thank you for all that you do, Michael and congratulations!
Council Meeting - July 10, 2023
MEETING: Regular Council Meeting
DATE: Monday, July 10th, 2023
TIME: 4:00 pm
PLACE: Council Chambers, 8296 Highway 7,
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from:
- Council Meeting held June 12th, 2023
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Recommendations from Internal Committees of Council
a. Committee of the Whole Meetings – June 21st, 2023 & July 5th, 2023
8. ACCESS-Ability Funding Approval
9. Outside Committee Reports
a. Eastern Regions Solid Waste Management Committee – Councillor
b. Eastern Counties Regional Library Board – Councillor Mailman
10. CAO Report
11. Recplex Repair Tenders
12. In-Camera: Land Matters
10-minute question and answer period pertaining to agenda items