Archived News
NS State of Emergency Renewed
With the approval of Governor in Council, Minister Chuck Porter further renewed the declaration of a State of Emergency for all of the Province to continue on and after 12:00 pm (noon) on Sunday, November 15, 2020. If this Declaration is not renewed or terminated earlier, the State of Emergency remains in effect until 14 days after the date and time it is declared, which is until 12:00 pm (noon) on Sunday, November 29, 2020.
For the full document please see: Ministers Renewal Nov 15
Macmillians Mobile Depot:
Saint Mary's Recplex: What to Expect
-Please do not enter the Recplex if you answer yes to any of the questions on the Covid-19 Self-Screening Questionnaire.
- All individuals will be required to sign in, and must do so for themselves. Please print clearly and provide current contact information.
-You will be required to review our Recplex Return to Winter Play Plan and to sign the COVID-19 Waiver & Recplex Use Attestation and Agreement.
-Masks are required when entering the facility. They may be removed when participating in physical activity on the ice surface.
-Spectators are not permitted to enter (with the exception of youth hockey, one parent per family may attend) due to building capacity and Nova Scotia Public Health Guidelines.