Archived News
March 16, COTW Meeting
MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Committee of the Whole
DATE: Wednesday, March 16th, 2022
TIME: 4:00pm
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipality
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS
We acknowledge that we are gathering in Mi’kmaqi the traditional unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Council Meeting held Wednesday, March 2, 2022
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Presentations
a. Recreation Master Plan Update – ReConsulting
8. Other Matters of Business
a. Covid-19 Regulations Update
b. Rural Transit Solutions Fund
c. Transfer Station- General Repairs
d. Appointment of Building Inspector & Fire Marshall
e. Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference
f. In House & Outside Committee Appointments
g. 2022-23 Operating and Capital Budget Draft
h. In Camera – Tax Sale
9. Adjournment
Senior Activity Kit Registration
Friday, March 11th is the final day to register for a free Seniors Activity Kit. Kits can be delivered and include a number of fun activities that can be done at home. Call 902-522-2049 to add your name to the list or a loved ones.
March 14, 2022 Council Meeting
MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Regular Council Meeting
DATE: March 14, 2022
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipality
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS
We acknowledge that we are gathering in Mi’kma'ki the traditional unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from:
- Council Meeting held Monday, February 16th, 2022
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Recommendations from Committee of the Whole
8. Outside Committee Reports
a. Eastern Region Solid Waste Management Committee – Councillor Malloy
b. Tourism Guysborough County Association – Councillor Zinck
c. Eastern Counties Regional Library – Councillor Mailman
d. Eastern Counties Regional Library Annual General Meeting – Councillor Mailman
9. CAO Report
10. Adjournment
March Break Day Camps
The Municipality is hosting three March Break Day Camps!
Monday, March 14th - Ecum Secum Fire Department/Community Centre
Tuesday, March 15th - Indian Harbour Lake/Jordanville Community Centre
Thursday, March 17th - Goshen Communtiy and Recreation Centre
All day camps are free and will take place from 8:00am - 4:00pm. Camps are open to children in pre-primary to grade 6. Campers must come ready to play indoors and outdoors. Please pack a healthy lunch, snacks and water bottle.
To register, please use our online registration for under the Recreation tab or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Call 902-522-2607 for more information.