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Side Roads in Ecum Secum and Liscomb - Recyclables were not picked up today February 8, 2022 due to bad road conditions. Eastern Shore Cartage is going to keep an eye on the roads all week, so that they can by recovered with roads are better.

MEETING: St. Mary’s Municipal Council
Special Meeting
PURPOSE: Recreation Master Plan- Request for Proposal Responses

DATE: February 7, 2022
TIME: 4:00pm
PLACE: Virtual


We acknowledge that we are gathering in Mi’kma'ki the traditional unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recreation Master Plan- Request for Proposal Responses
4. Adjournment

Bulky Item Garbage Collection scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, February 4th is postponed; collection will occur Monday, February 7th.

On February 2, at a Committee of the Whole Meeting representatives from St Barbara's Atlantic Gold Corporation gave a presentation to Council on the Economic Impact of Cochrane Hill Mine Project. You can view the presentation here: Economic Impact of Cochrane Hill Mine Project - St Barbara .

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