Archived News
Bulky Item Pickup
Please note that the bulky item pickup scheduled for tomorrow (Friday-March 19) will be rescheduled for Saturday, March 20th due to impending weather conditions.
Divert NS Champion of the Environment Scholarship
- Now open - deadline is May 2, 2021
- 0ne (1) - $5000 provincial scholarship & Six (6)- $25000 regional scholarships
- Link to full details including the scholarship package
- Last year- Angus Kennedy, Dr J H Gillis Regional High received the Regional Scholarship
COTW Meeting- March 17, 2021
If you wish to attend this meeting you must call the Municipal Office to register to ensure capacity due to COVID guidelines.Please note that all meetings of Council are now being audio recorded. Recordings will be posted to the municipal website as well as agendas and minutes which can be found at
COTW Meeting Agenda- March 17, 2021 at 7:00pm
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Committee Meeting held Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Correspondence
a. St. Mary’s Shooter Association- Thank You Letter
8. Presentations
a. Whale Sanctuary Project- Charles Vinick (virtual)
9. Other Matters of Business
a. Strait Area OEM Newsletter
b. Port Hawkesbury Paper
c. Council Chambers IT
d. Incident Command System (ICS) Courses
e. Road Name Request
f. Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission
10. Adjournment
Broadband Internet- Develop NS-Round 2 Projects
The second round of projects have been designed. Projects in St. Mary's Municipality include areas of Goshen, Liscomb, Melrose, Port Bickerton and Sherbrooke.
The maps of coverage areas are below. For more information on the project, please visit:
Goshen Region Map:
Liscomb Region Map:
Melrose Region Map:
Port Bickerton Region Map:
Sherbrooke Region Map: