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Please note that due to weather conditions, the Municipal Office and Transfer Station will be closed today, February 8, 2021. Any Municipal Recreation programs that were scheduled for today are also cancelled.

Council Meeting Agenda- February 8, 2021- 7:00pm

Please note that all meetings of Council are now being audio recorded. Recordings will be posted to the municipal website.

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes :
    a. Council Meeting held Monday, January 11th, 2021
    b. Oath of Office Meeting held Wednesday, January 27, 2021
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Heritage Property By-Law- 2nd Reading
8. Recommendations from Committee of the Whole
9. Outside Committee Appointment Reports
    a. Community Health Board- Deputy Warden Fuller
    b. Tourism Guysborough County Association- Councillor Zinck
    c. Eastern Region Solid Waste Management- Councillor Malloy
    d. Sherbrooke Village Commission- Deputy Warden Fuller
10. CAO Report
11. Adjournment

 For the digital copy of the agenda please visit:

Council and staff would like to welcome Councillor James Harpell as a member of Municipal Council!

Councillor Harpell was born in the Sherbrooke hospital, was raised in Port Bickerton and currently lives in Harpellville.

Councillor Harpell holds his grade 12 equivalent and since he was 16 years old 98% of his work background has been focused in the marine field.

Councillor Harpell enjoys hunting, fishing, 4-wheeling and propsecting.

"I became a councillor again because I believe that I have more to give to my district and the Municipality as a whole" - Councillor Harpell

Finding and keeping an affordable home is a struggle for too many Nova Scotians, and no one person or plan will be able to address this complex situation. That is why the Nova Scotia Affordable Housing Commission wants to hear from people and organizations across the province that want to help.
Anyone who wants to keep up-to-date with the commission’s work, or contribute ideas and stories is asked to visit . This platform has been created to enable stakeholders to provide feedback on affordable housing. It will help inform the Affordable Housing Commission. The platform includes an ideas board, where you can share different ideas on questions that address the affordable housing supply; stories of change and a way to point to where in your community you need specific types of affordable housing. The portal will be continuously updated with new information and new tools to engage stakeholders, including a survey which is expected to be launched over the coming weeks.
Comments will also be accepted by calling 1-833-743-0777 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
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