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Municipal Election Day in Nova Scotia is Saturday October 17th, 2020.

Four Zoom sessions will be offered through to those interested in learning more about local politics, running for election, and/or getting involved in community decision making.

Sessions include topics on citizen engagement, local government, elected officials and election campaigning.

Please visit for more infomation and great resources.

Are you interested in becoming a candidate for the 2020 Municipal Elections?


- be a Canadian citizen of the full age of 18 years at the time of nomination

- be ordinarily resident in the municipality or in an area annexed to the municipality for a period of 6 months preceding nomination day, and continue to so reside

- obtain a certificate from the clerk stating that as of nomination day, the candidate has paid in full all charges that are liens on  the candidate's property

- not be disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act

Potential Candidate Packages are available at the Municipal Office or online at You can also visit more information on becoming a candidate.

The Preliminary List of Electors has been completed and revisions/additions can now be done by contacting the Municipal Returning Officer. 


• be 18 years or older and a Canadian citizen on the first advance polling day (October 10, 2020)

• have been ordinarily resident in the Province for a period of 6 (six) months immediately preceding the first advance polling day; and

• ordinarily resident in the municipality or in an area annexed to the municipality and to have been so since immediately before the first advance polling day.

Please contact Marissa Jordan, Municipal Returning Officer, at 902-522-2496 to be added to the list.

As per the revised order from Minister Porter on July 29, St. Mary's Municipal Council will once again be holding meetings in person with the option for members of the public to attend. Council, staff and any members of the public will be asked to wear a mask and implement proper social distancing upon entering/exiting the building and during the meetings. The Municipality will be taking pre-registration for members of the public that would like to attend a meeting of Council. Please call the Municipal Office at 522-2049 as it is important to pre-register to ensure capacity.

Our next Committee of the Whole meeting is August 5th at 7:00pm. To view the agenda, please visit:

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