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Property tax bills for the 2020/2021 fiscal year have been mailed out and are due by July 31st, 2020. There are several ways to make payments on your municipal tax account which you can find listed on the back of your tax bill. If you have not received your bill, please call the Municipal Office at 902-522-2049.

Please be advised that the Municipal Planning Strategy & Land Use Bylaw Review Workshops originally scheduled for Thursday, July 23rd will be postponed due to the passing of Deputy Warden Dort. The workshops will be rescheduled for Wednesday, August 19th, 2020. Additional details will follow at a later date. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

It is with great sadness that Warden, Council and Staff of the Municipality of St. Mary’s extend sympathy to the family of the late Deputy Warden Jacqueline Dort. Deputy Warden Dort began representing her continuants in the riding of District 6, Goshen and Area in May 2001 as Councillor. In 2016 Councillor Dort was nominated for Deputy Warden and accepted the position which she held for the past four years. She had been a strong voice and mentor at the council table for the past 19 years and will be greatly missed by all. At the next regular meeting of Council on Monday, August 10th, 2020 Council will recognize Deputy Warden Dort and her years of service with a moment of silence in her memory.

The municipality is embarking on a Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) review and we welcome residents to participate in a community visioning workshop on July 23, at 6:30pm at the St. Mary’s RecPlex. The planning consultants for this project, Fathom Studio, will lead the workshop session to gather feedback from the community.The municipality is embarking on a Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) review and we welcome residents to participate in a community visioning workshop on July 23, at 6:30pm at the St. Mary’s RecPlex.

The planning consultants for this project, Fathom Studio, will lead the workshop session to gather feedback from the community.Due to COVID gathering restrictions, we would like to plan for attendance by having people register for the event. In this way, we can make preparations for the number of people attending. Please call Hannah at (902) 522 2607 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up for the event. For people who don’t preregister, you may still be able to attend but space may be limited to walk-ins depending on the numbers and space restrictions.For more information about the planning process and how you can participate, please visit

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