Archived News
Sonora/St. Mary's River Community Centre
Please note the change in date from the Newsletter:
There will be a Social on March 11th at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. There will be crokinole every Thursday at 7 pm.
Fire Services Meeting
Due to the predicted deterioration in weather for this evening, the Fire Services Meeting tonight is cancelled.
Reschedule date to be determined.
Notice: Sherbrooke Library Hours
The Library will be open the following hours this week (February 24-28th): Monday 11am-3pm, Tuesday 11am-3pm, Wednesday 11am-3pm, and Friday 11am-3pm
If you have any inquires please contact the Eastern Counties Regional Libraries at (902) 747-2597 or the Municipal Office at 902-522-2049.
Notice: Dogs Roaming at Large
Please note there are currently two dogs running loose in the Glenelg/Smithfield area. One is a black lab, the other a yellow lab with a collar. If you own these dogs or know who owns them, please call the office at 902-522-2049 or Councillor Smith 902-833-2039.