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Please note the change in date from the Newsletter:

There will be a Social on March 11th at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. There will be crokinole every Thursday at 7 pm.

Due to the predicted deterioration in weather for this evening, the Fire Services Meeting tonight is cancelled.

Reschedule date to be determined. 

The Library will be open the following hours this week (February 24-28th): Monday 11am-3pm, Tuesday 11am-3pm, Wednesday 11am-3pm, and Friday 11am-3pm

If you have any inquires please contact the Eastern Counties Regional Libraries at (902) 747-2597 or the Municipal Office at 902-522-2049.

Please note there are currently two dogs running loose in the Glenelg/Smithfield area. One is a black lab, the other a yellow lab with a collar. If you own these dogs or know who owns them, please call the office at 902-522-2049 or Councillor Smith 902-833-2039.

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