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We hope that preparations for the upcoming storm are well underway throughout the Municipality. St. Mary's can expect heavy rain and winds over the next couple of days.Our Emergency Management Officer is recommending that residents prepare for 72 hours for clean up and power restorations after Tropical Storm/Hurricane Dorian moves over our area.

For help with your preparations, use this emergency Guide created by the Government of Canada's Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. The Municipality will attempt to keep residents updated with information regarding emergency centres that may open at community centres and fire halls.…/yprprdn…/yprprdnssgd-eng.pdf

All Eastern Counties Regional Libraries including the Sherbrooke Location will be closed on Saturday September 7, 2019 due to the pending Hurricane.   

The shoot scheduled for St Mary's Shooters Association on Sunday Sept 8th has been cancelled due to the forecast tropical storm/hurricane for the weekend. Members are reminded of the Annual General Meeting on Sunday Sept 15th. This is of great importance because of changes to the constitution of the club.Everyone is urged to attend if our club is to stay alive.

    John Day  Pres.  SMSA


Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament for Central Nova and the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s, today announced investments to the wastewater treatment facility in the community of Sherbrooke.

The project includes installing a new UV disinfection system, replacing the coarse bubbler system, and upgrading the aeration tanks, as well as other maintenance items.

Once complete, residents of Sherbrooke will benefit from improved wastewater treatment which will protect the environment and keep residents healthy for years to come.

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