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Because of the large interest in Thursday’s Tailings Management Session on Thursday May 23, Atlantic Gold has asked the expert panelists to stay in Sherbrooke later then they had originally planned to provide a second session.

  • Session 1: 3 - 4:30 p.m. (Doors open at 2:45 pm)
  • Session 2: 5 - 6:30 p.m. (Doors open at 4:45 pm)

For those who are unable to attend either session in person, Atlantic Gold will be filming the sessions for posting on Atlantic Gold’s YouTube channel in the days following the meeting.  

On Thursday, May 23, tailings management experts Peter Lighthall (Consulting Geotechnical Engineer), Karlis Jansons (Consulting Geotechnical Engineer), Alan Martin (Senior Environmental Geochemist) will be travelling to Nova Scotia and Atlantic Gold has asked them to speak to the residents of the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s. They will be giving a presentation and answering questions from the community related to best practices for the design, construction and operations of tailings management facilities.

Thursday, May 23, 2019 • 3-4:30 pm Sherbrooke Fire Hall • 91 Old Road Hill, Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia

Light refreshments will be served.


  Atlantic Gold Flyer



Please note that due to the unavailabilty of a gymnasium, Open Gym will be cancelled for May 21st and May 28th. This will conclude our Open Gym program until the next academic year. 

Community members and organizations take note, the Municipality will be extending the deadline for the June newsletter to May 22nd. This is due to the month having 5 Wednesday's. This change is for June's newsletter only. All submissions will be due by 4pm on May 22nd.

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