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MEETING:             St Mary’s Municipal Council

                                Committee of the Whole

DATE:                     Wednesday, October 4th, 2023

TIME:                     4:00 pm

PLACE:                    St. Mary’s Municipality

                                Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

  1. Call to Order
  1. Roll Call
  1. Additions to the Agenda
  1. Approval of the Agenda 
  1. Approval of Minutes: COTW held Wednesday, September 20th, 2023.
  1. Business Arising from Minutes
  1. Correspondence

Not applicable

  1. Other Matters of Business
    1. Active Community Grant Fund Application
    2. Active Transportation Project Update

     9.   In-Camera: Per MGA Section 22, part 2, F Litigation



MEETING:         St. Mary’s Municipal Council

Special Council Meeting

DATE:                 Thursday, September 28th, 2023

PURPOSE:         Special Council

TIME:                 4:00 pm

PLACE:               St. Mary’s Municipal Office

Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Other Matters of Business
  1. Council approval for the CMHC Housing Accelerator Fund
  2. Award Pavement Contractor for completion of Water Repair
  3. Award Bidder to prepare Transfer Station Specifications.
  4. Council Support of Grand Council Flag raising for Truth and Reconciliation Day and the month of October
  5. Council support of public placement of Every Child Matters banners.


Special Event: Grand Council Flag-Raising

Council and Public able to attend the Raising of the Mi'kmaq Grand Council Flag on the Flagpole located on Highway #7 (near the municipal building) in honour of Truth & Reconciliation. 4:30 PM

Sherbrooke Village 5th Annual Fright Night – October 31st 5-8:30pm

We are excited to host our 5th Annual Fright Night. Rural Trick-or-Treating within the safety of the gated site. It’s an entertaining evening for the young and young at heart.

This year’s $20 donation per door will go to St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital. We look forward to seeing all the creative Trick or Treaters again this year!

For details on how you can participate in this fun event (or to book a porch), contact Amy Simon at (902)318-4387

Anyone that is not up to the task of decorating a door but would still like to donate candy can reach out to Amy Simon to arrange a pickup.

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