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MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Committee of the Whole
DATE: Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
TIME: 4:00 pm
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipality
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Committee Meeting held Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023.
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Presentation
a. Naomi Society & Antigonish Women’s Resource Center – Marcia Connolly
and Collette Johnson
8. Correspondence
a. Extended Producer Responsibility for Printed Paper and Packaging - Nova
Scotia Federation of Municipalities
b. Connecting the Dots Between Poverty and Health - Community Health
c. Petition for Cell Tower - Sue Amberg
9. Other Matters of Business
a. Truth and Reconciliation – Staff Report
b. Flood Line Mapping Project – Staff report
c. Human Resources Policy
d. Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities Conference
e. Council Meeting Dates
f. Construction and Demolition Cell Design Quotes – Staff Report
g. St. Mary’s Recplex Sprinkler Quotes – Staff Report
h. Snow Removal and Ice Control Tender – Staff Report
i. In-Camera: Land Matters and Contract Negotiations

The Nova Scotia Government is seeking public engagement on modernizing its environmental assessment process. For more information visit

The Nova Scotia Government has announced Archibald Lake as a Wilderness Area. Archibald Lake Wilderness Area covers 684 hectares and includes old-growth forest, hardwood drumlins, lakes and wetland and will protect old-growth forest and animal and fish habitats. The new wilderness area includes three lakes: Archibald, McDonald and Rocky, which feed Archibald Brook, a tributary of St. Marys River.

For more information visit

The St. Mary's House League Hockey Committee will be hosting it's Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 5th starting at 6:00pm at the Municipal Office in Sherbrooke. This meeting is to select leadership roles and make important decisions for the upcoming 2023-24 season. Following the AGM, a regular meeting will be held. Anyone interested in joining the program as a volunteer on the board, coach or program volunteer is invited to attend.

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