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The Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s has drafted a new By-Law called the Alternative Voting By-Law. This By-Law is being considered by Council to complete the necessary requirements if Council were to choose to implement alternative methods of voting for future elections.

This By-Law is a model By-Law from the Association of Municipal Administrators and was presented to Council on June 3rd, 2020 at the Committee of the Whole meeting. At this time, a resolution was made to approve the By-Law and first reading at the meeting of Council, June 8th, 2020.

The second reading and motion to approve the By-Law is set for the next meeting of Council on July 13th, 2020. Prior to this, notice of the By-Law will be advertised it the Guysborough Journal as well as the Municipal Newsletter for public consideration. A copy of the By-Law is also available online here:  pdf Alternative Voting By Law- First Reading (323 KB)  and under our Municipal Documents section on our website.

Please note that water will be turned off tomorrow, Saturday June 6th, starting at 8:00am until necessary repairs can be made. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Please note water will be temporarily shut off today, Friday June 5th, from 2:00pm - 2:15pm as well as Saturday June 6th from 2:00-2:15pm to preform maintenance to the system. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank-you for your patience!

On May 29 the Province announced a new gathering limit of 10 people while still following social distancing requirements.

Starting June 5, private campgrounds can open for all types of campers. They can only operate at 50 per cent capacity and must ensure public health protocols are followed including adequate distance between campsites.

Provincial campgrounds will open to Nova Scotians on June 15, with the reservation line opening June 8. They will operate at a reduced capacity to ensure a minimum of 20 feet between individual campsites.

Learn more about Nova Scotia's plan to reopen the province safely at or see answers to frequently asked questions about the reopening:  pdf Reopening FAQ for May 29, 2020 (140 KB)

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