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Active Transportation Project

Share your vision for the future of Active Transportation in St. Mary’s using the online interactive map and you will be entered in a draw for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Beanie’s Bistro! To participate, please visit
You can also include your contact information on a Take Home Activity Kit to be entered into this draw. Available at the Municipal Office and Sherbrooke Public Library.
The deadline to submit a comment and enter the contest is Sunday, November 12th at midnight.
Please note: The winner of the draw will be contacted using the email address used to comment on the map. Any submissions made prior to the announcement of this contest will be included in the draw.
For more information about Active St. Mary’s and other opportunities to get involved, please

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Eco Explorers will be postponed for the fall and take place in the new year.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Due to issues with the Zamboni, the following programs will be delayed one week:

St. Mary's Curling Club - Delayed until November 14th

Adult Hockey League - Delayed until November 15th


MEETING:             St Mary’s Municipal Council

                                Committee of the Whole

DATE:                     Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

TIME:                     4:00 pm

PLACE:                    St. Mary’s Municipality

                                Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

                                Please advise if unable to attend

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Additions to the Agenda

4. Approval of the Agenda

5. Approval of Minutes: Special COTW held October 10th, 2023 & COTW held Wednesday, October 18th, 2023.

6. Business Arising from Minutes

7. Presentation – Lydia Broderick – Uplands – Active Transportation Project

8. Correspondence

9. Other Matters of Business
a. 2nd Quarter Finance report
b. Water System Planning
c. EMO Emergency Shelter ACOA Grant Application


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