Archived News
Municipal Awareness Week
This week promotes the importance of municipal government in people's daily lives, and encourages participation in council meetings, public hearings and committees. Keep a look out this week for interesting posts, activities and competitions that reflect the importance of our Municipality such as:
November 18th- Students will be receiving a package from the Municipality to learn more about our government and the chance for their class to win a pizza party!
November 19th- Water Treatment Facility Tours from 1-3pm and 6-8pm. Stop by to see how our municipal water system works!
November 20th- Committee of the Whole Meeting at 1pm. Drop in to observe a Council meeting. All meetings of Council are open to the public.
Sherbrooke Streetscapes Plan
The Municipality hosted an open house on November 14th, 2019 to present the new Sherbrooke Streetscapes Plan. Council and staff, as well as the consultants that developed the plan were present to discuss and answer any questions.If you couldn't make it to the meeting, you can find the plan here pdf Sherbrooke Streetscapes Plan (23.11 MB) as well as under "Municipal Documents" on our website.
St. Mary's Recplex Opening Date
The Municipality of the District of St. Mary's is pleased to inform the public that repairs to the St. Mary's Recplex have been completed and staff are currently working on installing the ice for the season. The official opening day of the facility will be November 22nd.
Sherbrooke Water Utility- Lead & Copper Testing
Please see the attached information in regards to lead and copper testing on the Sherbrooke Water Utility.
document Lead and Copper Testing on Sherbrooke Water Utility (35 KB)