Archived News
Sherbrooke Public Library Closure
The Sherbrooke Public Library will open at 2pm today due to a power outage.
Fiona Agricultural & Aquaculture Disaster Assistance Programs Extended
The Fiona Agricultural Disaster Assistance Program DEADLINE EXTENED! Apply by Feb 24 for financial assistance.
For more info visit
Fiona Aquaculture Disaster Assistance Program DEADLINE EXTENED! Apply by Feb 24 for financial assistance.
For more info, head to
Special Council Meeting - January 25th, 2023
MEETING: St. Mary’s Municipal Council
Special Council Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, January 25, 2023
PURPOSE: February Council Meeting
TIME: 4:00 pm
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipal Office
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. February Council Meeting
5. Federal Electoral Boundary Changes
6. In Camera - Personnel
Valentines for Veterans
Each year, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) invites Canadian schools, individuals and organizations to make Valentines for Vets. VAC then distributes the valentines to Veterans in long-term care facilities across the country by February 14.
If you would like to send a valentine thanking a Veteran, please send it by February 1 to:
Valentines for Vets
Veterans Affairs Canada
Commemoration, Distribution Unit
125 Maple Hills Avenue
Charlottetown, PE C1C 0B6
Veterans Affairs Canada will keep valentines that arrive after the deadline to distribute next year.
For more information visit