Archived News
BAP Cancelled due to Early Dismissal
Due to the early dismissal of students at SMECA, there will be no Before and After Program today. BAP only takes place when school takes place.
Response to feedback regarding Sherbrooke Public Library
ECRL issued a response to feedback regarding Sherbrooke Public Library.
To see the response visit
ECRL announced that the Sherbrooke Public Library will re-open on January 25th for regularly scheduled hours.
Sherbrooke Water Utility - Scheduled Maintenance
Please be advised that the scheduled miantenance planned for today today January 19th, 2023 from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am is postponed.
Thank you for your understanding.
Adult Only Free Skates
Reminder of the Adult Only Free Skate from 10-11am at the Recplex. Everything you need to hop on the ice for a skate in a relaxing environment is at the Recplex. Takes place every Thursday.