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MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Regular Council Meeting
DATE: May 9, 2022
TIME: 4:00 PM
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipality
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS

Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from:
- Annual General Meeting of Council held April 6th, 2022
- Council Meeting held April 11th, 2022
- Emergency Council Meeting held May 3rd, 2022
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Recommendations from Committee of the Whole
8. Outside Committee Reports
a. Eastern Region Solid Waste Management Committee – Councillor Malloy
b. Eastern Counties Regional Library – Councillor Mailman
9. CAO Report

For new information regarding the non-resident property taxes please visit

The Municipality has launched it's Volunteer of the Year nomination process for 2022! We are looking for community organizations or individuals to nominate someone that you feel is an outstanding volunteer. This survey only takes minutes to complete. Everyone is invited to nominate a volunteer. The deadline to nominate is 4:00pm on May 18th. Council will determine the Volunteer of the Year based on nominated individuals. The Volunteer of the Year will be invited to attend the province's Volunteer Recognition Ceremony along with the Municipality's local event.
Hard copies of the nomination form are available and can be requested or picked up at the Municipal office. Please call 902-522-2607 for more information.
Follow this link to the nomination form:
A hard copy of the form can be found here:  pdf 2022 Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form (65 KB)

Registration forms are now available for the Guysborough County 55+ Games this August. The games will take place at the Liscombe Lodge on August 17th & 18th. Registration forms can be sent by mail if requested or picked up at the Municipal Office in Sherbrooke. Call 902-522-2607 for more information or to request forms.

An electronic copy of the form can be found here: pdf 55+ Registration Form 2022 (205 KB)

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