Archived News
Home Warming Application
If we discover that draft-proofing, insulation or other efficiency options can help make heating
and cooling your home more affordable we’ll cover the cost of installing the upgrades and
arrange the contractors to have the approved home upgrades completed–all at no cost to you.
The Home Warming Application is now available. You can access it here.
Please note the Municipal Office will be closed tomorrow, April 19th and will be reopening Thursday, April 20th.
Program Cancellation
Please note, Recreation Programs scheduled for this evening, April 19th have been cancelled. These include Open Gym at SMECA and Female Fun & Fitness at the Fitness Centre/SHOPS room.
COTW & Budget Open House Rescheduled
The Committee of the Whole Meeting and the Budget Open House scheduled for tomorrow, April 20th have been rescheduled. They will be held on Wednesday, April 27th. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will be at 4:00 pm and the Budget Open House will be at 6:00 pm.