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Join us on May 2nd at 7:00pm for a virtual conversation regarding Recreation in St. Mary's. This is an exciting opportunity to directly impact the way recreation services are delivered in St. Mary’s, as well as the types of programs, equipment, and facilities that are offered. The Zoom meeting will take place from 7-8:30pm, please feel free to join the meeting at any point during that time, and there is no pressure to remain on the call for the full consultation. For a meeting link, contact Kerri at 902-522-2607 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Happy National Volunteer Week St. Mary's! The Municipality is fortunate to have so many volunteers that contribute to making our community a vibrant place to live. We look forward to celebrating volunteers this fall with a Volunteer Appreciation Event following the Province's Volunteer Recognition Luncheon.


MEETING: St Mary’s Municipal Council
Committee of the Whole
DATE: Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
TIME: 4:00pm
PLACE: St. Mary’s Municipality
Council Chambers, Sherbrooke, NS


1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Additions to the Agenda
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes from Committee of the Whole Meeting held Wednesday, April 6, 2022
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Presentations
a. Eastern Mainland Housing Authority- Shawn Luker
8. Correspondence
a. Thank You- Queens Lodge #34
b. Extended Firefighters Presumptive Coverage- Department of Municipal Affairs & Housing
c. Canada Community Building Fund- John, Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
d. Fibromyalgia Awareness Day- Trudy Flynn, Fibromyalgia Association of Canada
e. RCMP Services Budget- Hayley Crichton, Public Safety and Security Division
9. Other Matters of Business
a. Volunteer Awards- Director of Community Development & Recreation
b. Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada Wire Trap Collection & Recycling Project
c. Non-resident Provincial Deed Transfer Tax and the Non-Resident Property Tax
d. Municipal Sewage Pump
e. Committee of the Whole- May 4th, 2022

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Municipal Office
8296 Highway 7, Sherbrooke, N.S

Drop in to pick up a copy of the approved Municipal budget, review budget information or enjoy a meet and greet with your local Municipal Councillor.


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